Perfect Pitch?

Rock Hydra

Feel the Strain!
Nov 27, 2005
Buffalo, NY. U.S.A.
I've seen so many advertisements for these lessons, but I don't know the method behind it. I have been interested in learning, since it would be really cool to have the abilities that they say in the ads, but the steep price is kinda turning me away. Does anyone know how they do it in the lessons, or have tried this or something similar? I really would like to acquire "Perfect Pitch" ability.
Those methods' effectiveness in acquiring perfect pitch are probably the same as blowing my cock with the same intent. Do the latter, at least you'll make a scalpel happy.
Most people believe you have to be born with perfect pitch. People like Mozart and Bach had it.

Try having someone play some random notes, and you look away and just try and guess them. If you do that a hell of alot then you can maybe start to develope it :p

I have to do ear training in school soon, we are told to have someone play piano or somthing, and we have to match each notes with our instruments and voice, and guess the intervals in chords and whatnot.
I saw an ad in Guitar World...I don't know....ask homerJ, he has Perfect Pitch.

Luxx0r :erk:

My mom has it tho, and she doenst know shit of music! Believe me or not, but she can really recognise notes even without knowing theory
War_Blade said:
those ads are full of shit...

if you wanna waste money go ahead and buy it... perfect pitch comes with years of practice...

Yeah, that's why I'm asking and doing some research. Although, people say it takes practice, but practicing what? I'm not sure what tecnhique or how I'm supposed to go about pracitcing this.