I think they should do this, someday, maybe several years from now. They're still arguably making some vital music, and this new album is poised to be their biggest selling to date. They should focus on the newer stuff, while mixing in a few old tracks for the older fans, like they've been doing. Give it a little longer, and I'd love to see something like this. I used to be a pretty jaded old-fogey In Flames fan who hated the new stuff, but now that I've discovered ASOP rules so much, I'm pretty content with hearing mostly new material on future tours.

And, seriously, Anders can still growl. I've heard it. A few years ago on a recent American tour, they played "Worlds Within The Margin", and Anders growled the verses (especially on that opening verse with just the synths playing), just like he does on the album. Damn, it nearly brought a tear to my eye!