Petition to get my Rep Priviledges back!

Gay is an adjective meaning "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy"; however, in modern usage, gay usually refers to homosexual men or women.
Gay is an adjective meaning "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy"; however, in modern usage, gay usually refers to homosexual men or women.


my point is that it means the same thing everywhere, but its original meaning has changed.
if u didnt get that then u are a complete retard

edit: heartless stop being a dick, u know i was right about the bad rep thing so u started being a retarded dick again. give it up man.
my point is that it means the same thing everywhere, but its original meaning has changed.
if u didnt get that then u are a complete retard

edit: heartless stop being a dick, u know i was right about the bad rep thing so u started being a retarded dick again. give it up man.

I'm just kidding around :lol: why are you taking it serious/personal?