Photos Of You And Photos Of Orphaned Land


newest pic of me&my man :oops:
Slash said:
Me in school uniform(yuk!)pretending to be Malmsteen..I look ridicuolus :loco:

A pic from a home party..I'm a bit drunk.. :loco:

My lovely buddy Elektra ;)

Dear Slash, you don't look ridiculous in the scool uniform
you look kinda sexy in it...maybe it's just me with my schoolgirl with guitar fetish.
nice guitar by the way.

and i'm sorry the hydepark pictures don't work, I have no other solution.
@Folklore - At Graspop or Amsterdam? Well, yes on both acounts anyway :D

Even though we were only at Amsterdam for a couple of days, it's a very cool place with really nice people.

And as for Graspop..... well, who wouldn't have fun with a bandlist of that size?
My Guitar

It's a Jackson X Series Warrior! :headbang:

Picture From Our Typical Party (While I still was in israel, it's from my goodbye party :))

And I am too shy to post myself here :erk:
I am the most photophobiac person in Earth, but even I posted my pic. You don't have the right to be shy :)
Just place a photo of yours, you don't have to be posing Malmsteen in school uniform, not all of us do that :D
And yes, very nice guitar you got there! :worship:
My Friend Unconscious I Think That I 'll Take The Reins From You ;) ,because I Am The Most Photophobiac:yell: Person Ever !!!!
For Evidendences You Can Ask My Friends And My Family,they Know Better!!!!:tickled:
But Despite My Phobia , I Have Some Photos And I Posted Them Here.
So , Dark Zaiats , We Are Waiting For Your Photo , Ok?