Photos Of You And Photos Of Orphaned Land

Morticia NL. said:
Wow- glad you like em. I will try to put every single one in here too. But the picserver I have been using,has been down for a couple of weeks now, so I am trying to find a new one.

Yep, I also like them very much :) Thanks for putting them here!
And more pics will be very welcome :p :)

This picture was taken during the Guidance gig I attended. This is a great band- go check em out!
Funny detail was that the club they played was called "Heineken club" which is a dutch beer brand.
Eden performed two songs with the band.They had all kinds of guests from the israeli metal & rock scene singing and playing with them and it was a great night.
You are welcome as always- Orphaned Angel :)

Can someone tell me in which thread of the hebrew forum I can find the oics which are linked in page 16 of this thread. These were taken at the kibbutz party and I would love to see them, but the links someone put in are not working for me.
Please give me some assistance, since I cannot read hebrew. :yell:
Wow, Morticia! Thanks again :D

A few comments on them:
Indeed, nice pic of Matti :)
About the Uri one, I didn't catch it :p Why did you say he looks Spanish???
The mosk is very beautiful indeed! And yeah, it reminds me the Sahara cover.
I'll have a look into Guidance website :)
Hi Mina, first Uri: I donno, he was making faces all the time and I have some more pics in these serie where he looks like a flamenco dancer, the way he is holding the bass. I guess that's the reason. I might post that one as well. :loco:

Ofcourse the mosk reminds you of Sahara- it is the same mosk. :Smug:
