Photoshop Smyth into...

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i tried! i only had access to paint, no photoshop :)
...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Dear god...I don't think I've ever laughed at a thread non-stop. Yes, not even at Blabbermouth.

''No Mr. Bond, I expect you to solo.'' :lol: :lol: Fucking classic. And that Aquatic one with Will Bozarth in the background. Amazing. Good effort to everyone.

This is definitely Steve in 30 years after too much beer, with all his legions of fans, its just like the mafia !!!

:lol: Well, as I said before, I gave up drinking and smoking earlier this year, so if anything, I plan on staying as thin as I can from here on out!:lol:
I did_ however, get Season One on DVD for my birthday! Fucking killer!:rock: :rock: :rock:
hahahaha holy shit

guitarguru, congrats on making it better. hell, I never found that big picture, only used a small one...

nevertheless, applause to you ^^

the original:


yours is better :kickass:

no the original is awesome! i have been wanting that picture for the longest time. thx a lot for the pic. i laugh so hard when i see it.
'roids, of course.:p Woah, Steve, did you deliberately put the fake tan on below your neck or was it accidental? :lol:
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