pic thread...

Geez this forum seems to have more than a few picture-happy folk! :lol

I would post a pic but......I don't know how....I'm ultimatemetally-challenged, errr that is to say I can't even figure out the avatar function here :(

Plus I'm not sure if ppl would like my two heads and menacing tentacles...:cry:
just give it a try ;)

avatar: click on profile, then click on "edit options" and at the bottom there's a field that says you can change avatar if you like. click it, then you read the line "you can also upload from your computer". all you need to have now is a pic of 100x100 pixels somewhere on your computer which you insert by clicking the button. :)
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
I was talking about FatherVic, unless that's who you were talking about too. I'm not sure. I'm just going psycho, nothing new.

Yeah I'm talking about FatherVic too, I call him Venancio because he likes that name so much ;)
yeah! I don't know what Jacinto keeps calling me Venancio though ;)

where am I from??? wait, I look in the map....oh! well here it says I'm from Barcelona, NE Spain....yeah! shiny ol' spain....and I love it to death :)