pic thread...

Originally posted by FatherVic
all blondies....heheheehe
here is totally the other way round...per one blond kid we have 20 dark haired....

well, that's spain! here the girls are very much after the dark, exotic Latino Lover! :bah: ;)
i guess in spain you're favorized by the girls if you're blond, because there blondes are the exotic ones!:grin: :D :grin: :D
We have all types of people here in Canada, especially Edmonton (we're the 2nd most diverse city in the country)...

Still, there are some people who look more "exotic" or have atypical traits(not sure if that really makes those people more appealing to others)...
and always ones that are seen as being more attractive by some people...
Wow, ANOTHER Edmonton native I kinda sorta know now. Where are you all coming from all of a sudden? It used to be Toronto and Montreal.. and now it's Edmonton.

Weird! I don't know who they are though; I haven't met anyone else from Edmonton on this board...
Originally posted by Fleischwolf

well, that's spain! here the girls are very much after the dark, exotic Latino Lover! :bah: ;)
i guess in spain you're favorized by the girls if you're blond, because there blondes are the exotic ones!:grin: :D :grin: :D
is it the same for girls? :p
Link works for me... I like the poster, although the forest fire picture kinda baffles me... but it's too early in the morning...

After the gorgeous weather we had yesterday, why do we have to have such shit today. I was comfortable wearing jeans and a t-shirt last night at midnight, and now at noon, it's snowing and very windy.
