pic thread...

It's from Slottsparken these last pics. I walk
there almost once/twice a week when I have
to drop by the foodstore after work... :eek:P

I love walking there, and that little bridge
with the water underneath is YUM! :eek:)
Originally posted by Morgana
Mow you feel really home here, don't you?

I already did! Nice pics though! I always think about
taking my cam with me and take some pics in that
park, the trees there are awesome, eps if the sun is
in the right position... But I'd feel like such a freak
running around taking pics of trees >:eek:P hehe...
But I'll have to do it once though...

I was thinking about doing a little project "What my
day looks like". Taking pics of everything I see during
the day... sorta.... With some limitations, or it would
have to be a film >:eek:P
Yeah! Kewl pics indeed... !

That monster BTW is actually ( probably... you can now for sure from pics ) an attack from a parasite fungii, probably from the family "Taphrina" they make those cancer "balls" by fooling the trees cells to rapidly divert, wich give the fungii food ...:)

-phyros ( todays lecture in nature knowledge )
@DWD; Ya, you should pay me a visit!
My bathroomfloor is free, I think the
washingmachine, the sofa, cofeetable
etc is occupied, but it depends on what
time of year you arrive! >:eek:P hehe...
I might just buy a nice guestbed some
time :eek:) Hehe...

Ya, Phyros; now that you say it, I
remember it. I actually learnt something
at school as well! So is it stuff like this
that you study? Cause that's actually
quite interesting :eek:)
i propose that all the Vs board go to blackspirit's house to make a party where we can meet each other :lol:
Originally posted by Phyros
Yeah! Kewl pics indeed... !

That monster BTW is actually ( probably... you can now for sure from pics ) an attack from a parasite fungii, probably from the family "Taphrina" they make those cancer "balls" by fooling the trees cells to rapidly divert, wich give the fungii food ...:)

-phyros ( todays lecture in nature knowledge )

Hehehe and if you have enough fantasy you can see a face there :p