pic thread...

Yup, they are official. Just became that some months ago, and this'll be the first wedding performed there. I have a copy of the wedding ritual that they sent out to all the members. It's soooo beautiful!!

Those nazi folks in Vigrid have performed pagan weddings as well (in the name of Thor and Frøya :( ), but I don't know if they are official, or if they have to be wedded by the state as well. Anyways, I hardly count them in!!
That would be because this is the picture thread ;) he he
I'm just the funniest guy, am I not?!? :p

But I think that some perhaps posts too many, too big at once.
I'm really happy I have a brilliant connection! Modem users must
have a pain in the ass watching this..
Ppl - consider the size of the images etc. (Like I said, I have no
prob with it, but as webdesigner I always think of pic sizes...)
Oh - by the way! Have a look at my altar!


Muuuuuuuuhahahahahahaaa! hahaha! muhahaha!
Thank you very much! It is very important to me to worship
my fave albums. I also try to get some spiritual contact with
Euronymous as well..... I want the spirit of black.
Since I have a quite good digital cam available just now, I think
I'm gonna shoot some pics today. If I catch anything interesting
outside, I'll post them....
(guess there must be something interesting at the beach!
ha ha ha, just kidding :p )
Ok, I didn't really succeed in taking any good nature pics :cry:
I should've been home in the north, because here (south-east)
the landscape is boring to me.

First: Have a look at this. What a mess we make! :D

We got our asses to the beach. Not very interesting there today.
(It looks better when I had a beer.. he he)
But I did take this: the forest next to the beach area

This is my Danish friend, Mogens. We're just chilling. Had some
banana split outside. Very nice.

And here's me. (Yes, Vanir - that's my real hair color. Dark, it is)

I took some more nature pics, but they didn't turn out too good.
Would be better to go back when it's darker :D \m/
Tnx, DWD. Actually, this is how I really look :zombie:
he he he

Too bad about Germany. Quite the oposite from here.
Hot and sunny as can be.. *phew - the heat is too much*