pic thread...

Time for me to show off some pics then! Here's one
of me before seeing Borkis two days ago...
I'm thinking about making it my new avatar, but then
again, I probably won't... >:eek:P


And if you want to see the Borknagar pics --->
http://home.tiscali.no/spirit/borknagar/ :eek:)
I took these two sitting on the train to Oslo,
around 4:30 in the morning >:eek:) The guy sitting
in the same wagon as me must've thought I was
nuts, hehe... The scratches on the window looks
good on the first pic, don't you think? :eek:)


These are the last two, and I am loving the colours!!
Don't get chocked now! Even though I am black/white
everything around me has colours!!! >:eek:)

I walk past this spot every day on my way to work,
and always thought it would make a great picture,
and it did. 05:15 in the morning, still awake, these
two turned out quite ok :eek:)


The pics of Norway are beautiful! :D
I wish I had a view like that on my way to school instead of cement, buildings and dirt :rolleyes:

The pics from Borknagar's gig made me a tad jealous though. Hehe :p