pic thread...

:worship: Yeah - Chuck will forever live on!
You know: You'll have a HARD time if u wanna make me cry....
but I did several times after Chuck died. For those who do not know,
I was the webmaster of the Norwegian Death site, and I had some
contacts that led further to Chuck and his family. Can you believe
I never even dared to send a personal message in fear that I
might screw up.. Too much respect, I guess.

I have now put mu Deady site online for you, my new friends, to
see. (it is really dead for the moment):

I love images. Some of you already noticed that. Images and music.
Here is a simple 20 min. image I made. I want you to guess who the person within is. :D

Hehehe... nice shot Lordenlil.
How does Blackspirit feels like being in that pic?
Well, I guess you took the last pic she had posted here.
If I take a look at those eyes on the pic, it tells me I'm right.

@ Demonic_Science, you pic shows up here quite dark, so I can't see much.
Originally posted by astarte

Nice site... too bad I hate Death :p
I liked the Darkthrone site better :p

he he - well at least you like the DT one. Don't hate Death just
because they are so damn good musicians ;)

Originally posted by Morgana

Hehehe... nice shot Lordenlil.
How does Blackspirit feels like being in that pic?
Well, I guess you took the last pic she had posted here.
If I take a look at those eyes on the pic, it tells me I'm right.

10 points for Morg.
Yes, it is true. It's her. But not to worry, she saw it first. Hmm, you
mean if she thinks it's cool or she thinks it's uncomfortable???
Well, I think she's the only one who knows that...... We talk a lot
on icq and she saw it before. Also, I was celebrating me being
accepted into further studies. That means I had a wine and some
beers, u know... he he heeee. :D (or else I wouldn't post it...
probably wouldn't make it either... sorry)

Originally I was gonna joke with her pic for fun, it just ended up
that way... (Don't think she's uncomfortable 'bout it, as we're
both in serious relationships. (to make that very clear). No hitting
if that's what u think, ppl ;) )
Damn! I'm being too serious here... ! Slap me.. NOW!

And now:

(When I saved the img the filsize in Photoshop said: 6.668K!
I did not adjust it when I saved it... spooooky! bohooo!)