Pick Up Nightwish's Live DVD


Child Of Symphony
Nov 12, 2002
In the deleted scenes, it has Alexi drunk as hell laughing his ass off. Also, Sinergy comes out and makes fun of Nightwish. Obviously Kimberly on vocals and Alexi on keyboards. He trys to play but he's too drunk to do anything cool. I bet he knows some really cool shit.

Oh yeah! Also, the guys play a practical joke on Alexi and switch his beer bottle to vodka in a beer bottle. He takes a huge chug and spits it all out. It's very hilarious.

Originally posted by bodomite
Erika has it... ask her.

my icq 45918462
if it wasn´t for a second thought, i would just have posted the phrase "damn erika!please give it to me!"
but then my brain worked quickly and made me change my post...

well, here´s another strange phrase, but anyways:
how big is it erika?
IS there anyway of getting it from the UK? I live in England and really want this DVD but can't find it anywhere! If it's not avaliable in the UK is there somwhere you recommend me ordering it from on the net? Also is the rest of the DVD in English?
Try the nightwish shop at their site... nightwish.com.. they have it..