Pics from San Fran 11/28!

I didn't listen to music when I was 13... really... well, maybe a bit of classical music, thats pretty much the only thing I listened to up unto a short clash with popular music (3 months at most) and then a headlong dive into metal starting with metallica, kill 'em all. :rock:
Guerrilla said:
When I was 13 I was listening to The Prodigy.
...i was too...i tried listening to fat of the land a while back and still liked parts of it, but most of it just seems annoying now. but i was also listening to KISS of course, alice in chains, metallica, megadeth, girls against boys :rock:, spacehog (chinese album), queensryche, tool, iron maiden, and BUSH?!?!? and 311?!?!?, oh and nine inch nails. then soon after that i started listening to hard time radio and it was all good from then on.
Isabel, you go girl ! :D

when i was 12 years old i told my mom im going to study at a friend's house and i went to see Paradise Lost - it was my first metal concert, and ever since then... oh well.
just look at me all metal and all.
but anyways- thats great to see that you're having fun :D

how old is Pyrus btw ?

and oh GroundXero3k - "Warrel and the kids"
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: