Picture Thread

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idari said:
And these work too now. Sorry for spamming.
OnyxDragon98 said:
I feel like sharing some pictures of newfoundland now..to prove its not "brown and dreary" :p
Now I never thought it was ALL brown and dreary, that's just all I saw from several thousand feet up. :p
TheFourthHorseman said:
That's what she gets for using Tripod. Propably went over her bandwith limit.
Nah, I think it's just because her account is quite new, they're checking them for people who use them just as storage rather than for websites. I've had a Tripod account for ages now and never had problems with it.
rahvin, thanks! ;) Yes, I did... but I don't have diamonds :(
Thank you, rusty!:oops:
Thank you guys! I was a bit scared to set my pic here...
Wow, everyone has been on a pic posting spree, its taken me ages to catch up and view em all.


Once again Idari's pics were fascinating. I din't know you had a dog aswell as the cats... are they moving with you? and Nice pool btw.

Ony:rofl:rag... have you actually seen the northern lights? they looked fantatic in that picture. they've never been visible from over this neck of the woods :cry: but I'd love to see them some time!
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