Picture Thread

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OnyxDragon98 said:
I feel like sharing some pictures of newfoundland now..to prove its not "brown and dreary" :p
Now I never thought it was ALL brown and dreary, that's just all I saw from several thousand feet up. :p
TheFourthHorseman said:
That's what she gets for using Tripod. Propably went over her bandwith limit.
Nah, I think it's just because her account is quite new, they're checking them for people who use them just as storage rather than for websites. I've had a Tripod account for ages now and never had problems with it.
rahvin, thanks! ;) Yes, I did... but I don't have diamonds :(
Thank you, rusty!:blush:
Thank you guys! I was a bit scared to set my pic here...
Wow, everyone has been on a pic posting spree, its taken me ages to catch up and view em all.


Once again Idari's pics were fascinating. I din't know you had a dog aswell as the cats... are they moving with you? and Nice pool btw.

OnyxDrag... have you actually seen the northern lights? they looked fantatic in that picture. they've never been visible from over this neck of the woods :waah: but I'd love to see them some time!
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