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No. As far as I know, I was left behind talking in mobile phone. Skindheads came around the corner, they yelled something and I said something and 3(luckily I had more friends there at that moment)of them knocked me down and apparently kicked me until my friends came over.
Oh...well I won't say it is all right then, cause the whole situation is not all right, but at least you had luck and your friends could have helped.
When did this happen? Yesterday?
4 days at hospital + 3 days = week ago. It wasn't inevitable, if I and they(were they?)hadn't been so drunk that wouldn't happened. So, at least partly my own fault.
That's why I said, my first stereotype that I learned about finns :p They are rarely sober ;)

BUt the more I know them, the more I like their attitude (finns) :) Great weeks in july awaits there :D
Shrieker said:
and a 3 days long hangover :( It's worth it though.
I guess I'm lucky that I don't get hangovers even if I drink insane amounts. But I always make sure I don't dehydrate, and drink plenty of water before going to sleep after drinking.
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