Picture Thread

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@Thanny: Spammer. :p It really slows down 56k computers. :cry:

@D_J: :lol: :lol: You and Thanny are holding hands and WB (I think) has a lollipop. It's accurate enough. :p

@Caelestia: Was he a blue korbat? Since if he is, he wasn't born yet. That means he is neither hungry nor dying. Neopets never die anyways. They just get very hungry.
Caelestia said:
@mousewings: He was red. Yes, it's a pity they don't die, isn't it? :( jk
Ah... I was wondering as I looked up a name similar to the one you stated and found a blue korbat. I guess it was the wrong name.

I don't want my korblings or pteris to die. !:waah: :p

@_Zsuzsa_: Ohh... the parrot is beautiful. Reminds me of the ones I saw in the Winged Migration movie about birds. :)
_Zsuzsa_ said:
Nick, that snake looks kewl :) I luv snakes :p

boa constrictor, my fav !:rock:

When there was reptile exhibition in my city I spent all my afternoon's there with a boa around my waist :grin:

Redtailed Boas are really cool, they are also one of my favorite snakes :D, my favorite being either a Borneo Blood Python


Or a Timber Rattlesnake


Oh dear, I don't even remember my password :waah:

I'm pretty sure it's Faggetty or Faggety. Something like that. I have a unicorn thingy too. Lol what a great owner I am, eh?
Hheeh this shark is :loco:

Oh hehehe

And the hidden shark..

It is difficult to get good pics of sharks though.. Everyone wants to see their teeth and all, but I like their great bodies and movement better :/
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