picture thread :)

Originally posted by 13th angel
that would be cool gauny:D :cool:

Your wish is my command ;)


edit: cool.......I managed to get decent webspace so that I can post pics in here. No copy and paste anymore :) *Gauny is happy about that*
Originally posted by Kalmakoff
Don't have a pic of me....ok I do have some, but not online or on the computer.....

No offence, no one has to post pics of course.
But that is a lame excuse really. There's always someone around with a scanner :p You probably have one yourself and are too lazy to scan them :eek:

That you're 1,93 cm is really :cool: though
Strange Kalmakoff......I've seen that pic before and I remember where as well. :p
Have you been Am Nothing then before? Did you change your nick then? I've seen a Kalmakoff on that board lately as well and I thought it was you.
Originally posted by Gaunerin
Strange Kalmakoff......I've seen that pic before and I remember where as well. :p
Have you been Am Nothing then before? Did you change your nick then? I've seen a Kalmakoff on that board lately as well and I thought it was you.

Yeah, I used to Be Nothing :D but got bored with it.
That Kalmakoff there is indeed me.