picture thread :)

Already saw it :p Nice spiral ;)

Btw.....our Simen's son does have a new one as well.......I liked the other better, Gums :)
Originally posted by Gaunerin

Btw.....our Simen's son does have a new one as well.......I liked the other better, Gums :)

Hey you're right, I'm not gonna listen :p :D
Haha I'm just kidding.. I just wanted to change things up a bit

Silkie, I like your new one much better! *thumbsup*
Originally posted by Kalmakoff
We'll see...

Yep, take the time to think about an avatar that you really like or that suits you. I got mine pretty late also but I'm quite sure I won't ever change it.
Changes of avatars always confuse me, thus this advice ;)