Pipe dream money schemes

Here's a pipe dream of mine: anyone want to buy an xbox that has the 3 red rings? I'll give it to any one of yall if I get a good offer. Fix it up and play it or sell for twice the amount you paid!!!!!!11111111zomg
Pussies :p

TBF, I knew a Marine who somehow wrangled a 2 yr enlistment. No one else can figure out how it happened.

there's so many sketchy fucking lies in the contract system, there's a guy here right now with a 15 month contract..people getting more than a 10k bonus per year..Army is a big ball of fucking lies man

2 years 6 months to go!
Generally what I understand is that what happens is these different incentives are out there, but recruiters generally just keep them up their sleeve as a last ditch effort to make numbers if they need to, which they almost never do. People who enlist who have senior staff or officers in their family get hooked up because Major Uncle or Master Sergeant Daddy makes some phone calls.