Pirating music


Burger King Diamond
Sep 18, 2008
Washington State
Does it piss anyone else off?

Pisses me off, every single excuse can be debunked in my opinion.

"Can't afford it," yet there you are sitting in front of a computer with internet access

"Most of the money goes to the record company," that's a good thing, record companies promote, put the band on tour, and pay for their recording.


When people get their music for free it feels like when I study really hard for an exam and get a good grade, and the guy next to me just copied from someone else and has a good grade too :mad:
Thi topic could go in two directions.
1: Pointless flaming/arguing
2: Actual intelligent conversation.
Lets see which one it ends up as :p

I USED TO pirate music, but after a while I was like..... man I feel like an ass :lol:, so I buy all my music now, even the ones I downloaded. My opinion on it is that you can pirate, but only if you are going to purchase the album at a later date (Which most people never do).
Does it piss anyone else off?

Pisses me off, every single excuse can be debunked in my opinion.

"Can't afford it," yet there you are sitting in front of a computer with internet access

"Most of the money goes to the record company," that's a good thing, record companies promote, put the band on tour, and pay for their recording.



O can honestly say that 50% or more of the albums that i own i never would have bought if I hadn't downloaded them first. that includes Enter the Grave, mind you. as well as Nightfall In Middle Earth, Killing Is My Business, Toys In The Attic, all of my Thin Lizzy Albums. all of my Dragonforce Albums. War Without End, my 4 Deep Purple albums, 3 Dio's, a Dream Theater, a few Iron Maidens, and the list goes on and on. the point is, I discovered most of these bands via Utorrent. and went on to buy the albums. in adition I've spent an ungodly amount on merchandise, which i never would have done had i not known about them. and finally I also know that more albums have been bought by other people because of my downloading. some friends have gone and bought cds, etc. after i gave them a burned CD of X torrented band. specifically a few nightwishes here and there. i believe 2-3 megadeths, a kreator ticket. countless amounts of maiden and deth merch, an exodus shirt, at least one revocation album, but when the new album drops you can be sure it'll be more.

to sum it up, all money that would have gone elsewere if not for my Piracy. most of these bands I discovered and went on to circulate in my circle of friends. If I download your album, and I like what i hear, then you can bet that your band will make more money, because Eventually I'm going to buy your albums, i'm going to show my friends your albums, and we will collectively end up at your concerts and buying your merchandise. so SIT ON IT.
There was an 'Illegal Downloading' thread created the other day which was swiftly deleted by the admin, so I'm just warning you, this might recieve the same treatment.

Anyway, it's doesn't really 'piss me off' but yeah, I'll post what I said again:

I could write an essay in here, but I'm going to spare you all and refrain from doing so!

What I am going to say is my own personal opinion, and I personally will only download an album if I can’t find it to buy. Like recently, I got into a very interesting band called Phlebotomized (great band by the way, check them out if you like good music) who’s releases are practically IMPOSSIBLE to find in the shops, or online. Well, for less than £30-40, anyway. The band are long broken up and their records are long out of print, so downloading their album isn’t directly impacting the band.

The reason why I’m against downloading say, an Evile album, is because Evile are still active, they’re a young band who’ve worked very hard to get where they are. They’re signed to a good label, that I feel promote them well. However, they’re still Evile, they’re not going to make millions from record sales at this point in their career, especially if people are taking their records without paying for them.. Stealing, basically.

Now I know this thread is going to go on, and on.. I’ve seen it pop up on many a forum before and can guess the counter arguments which are going to (we shall..) arise. “I download the album first to see if I like it before going out, and spending my hard earned cash on it.” – Fair enough. But how many of those people listen to the album and think, yeahhh, badass, then never go out and buy it? I’m sure there’s a lot. Record collecting is an expensive hobby after all. Which brings me onto my next counter argument, “I simply can’t afford to buy the album, but I don’t want to miss out on the music” – Again, fair enough.

I’m going to stop now because at the top of the post I said I wasn’t going to write an essay in here, and I’m coming close to spending the rest of my life writing this post haha

Actually, one more thing I’d like to add is by downloading an album you miss out on the artwork, which is something I feel is very important and compliments the music. I’m a collector myself and I take great value in having lots of cool vinyl records and CDs with snazzy packaging. I enjoy putting an album on and sitting down to listen to it holding the lyric sheet and reading the liner notes, taking it all in. When you’re holding the whole package, looking at the artwork and hearing the music it just feel likes more enhanced experience than double clicking on an mp3 file and that’s it.
i reckon if you download it and dont like it, who cares. if you download it and like it then buy it. ol takes a different stance on this than me, he's deadly against downloading music, but i reckon as long as you buy it or go to a show or buy a shirt then its cool, because either way the band is getting listened to, and word of mouth could spread, you might get friends into the band and they'll come to the gig, buy merch etc.....

the only example i will give people for a "against downloading" argument is this:

bands put a lot of their time into writing music, and its a job, however you look at it, it's a job you do, as in any job, you get paid for your time..... so imagine doing a full month of work at whatever job you do and then coming to getting paid and your boss goes "you're not getting any money"

what would you do? thats what its like.

but thats the world we live in now, people do download stuff, but people do still buy cd's, no point acting like everyone in the world is an evil music thief! like i said before, as long as you buy what you download IF you like it or go to a gig or buy a shirt or something, you'll hear no complaints from me.
Already said but if the band appeals to me so much (after downloading the album) I'll go ahead and buy a bloody t-shirt. But I'm not gonna spend 20 euros every fucking time I want to check a band out.
im a huge pirate tbh, and i dont do it because i may/may not like it because you can always sample it on youtube. so thats a pretty gash argument amirite? i do it because id rather keep my money for merch or live tickets or other stuff i want, plus i NEVER listen to the CD's i own. i always put them on my comp, if i use a cd for a car i burn one too not damage the original i have. BUT i do still buy cd's but only to have them for show on my shelf its like, i like to collect them. so i dont see the point in buying loaaaaaaads of CD's when i can buy a shirt or a ticket to see them instead.

ALSO if its a new album to come i wont download it because it gives me something to look forward to getting like endgame and IN which ive already preordered.
I'm pretty much with Ol, but I have to admit that I will download a leaked album for review purposes, as I've done with Infected Nations recently (I'm deleting it as soon as the review is done and you know I'll buy it, pipe down). Howeer, I also think that downloading old demos that were never really available for the public on a wide scaleor were released with very limited numbers (Hell Demo and All Hallows Eve are fitting examples here) is acceptable too since 99% of these demos never get reissued or whatnot. I know a lad who downloads old out-of-print albums and buys them whenever he sees a copy on eBay or Amazon etc. which is kind of alright in a way I suppose as I can see why he'd do that, but at the same time thas almost the same a downloading a leaked album haha.

But yeah - old demos I can accept, but I'm with Ol pretty much all the way despite me downloading stuff for journalism purposes :lol:
Pretty much on Ol with this. Bands of Evile's stature aren't exactly rolling around in money, pretty sure it'll put them in debt in a way to the record company, money which they have to make back through the physical album sales - or that's the way I believe it goes, correct me if I'm wrong. I know the recession hits hard, but it also affects the bands who you are basically stealing off of. I'm not trying to make myself out to be a saint, but I pretty much buy an album in physical version if I download it first, but I wouldn't download the work of bands of Evile / Mutant's size as that shit affects them way too much, I mean yeah they get money from shirt sales and from gigs, but that money then gets spent on food / transport etc, for basically living on the tour they need to cover all those costs. So yeah I say "fuck torrenting", unless it's Metallica...they deserve it. I jest.

Edit: hahahahaha, I'm leaving the completely terrible sounding sentence to see if anyone notices it.
There are other ways to check out albums now, and there's actually CHEAPER ways to buy albums

iTunes anyone? You listen to a 30 second snippet of each song, you can buy the album for half the price, or you could just buy the songs off the album that you like and you're still supporting the musician 100%. Concerts tend to be more expensive than albums anyway, and you can't hear music out of a t-shirt. Like Matt said, a lot of work goes into making an album, I guess it'd be like working 10 hour shifts at a manufacturing plant and getting paid $0.50 an hour (probably exaggerating).
There are other ways to check out albums now, and there's actually CHEAPER ways to buy albums

iTunes anyone? You listen to a 30 second snippet of each song, you can buy the album for half the price, or you could just buy the songs off the album that you like and you're still supporting the musician 100%. Concerts tend to be more expensive than albums anyway, and you can't hear music out of a t-shirt. Like Matt said, a lot of work goes into making an album, I guess it'd be like working 10 hour shifts at a manufacturing plant and getting paid $0.50 an hour (probably exaggerating).

(as a fan)

You're still not holding the product in your hand though! I just love owning an album, you can't beat it. Fuck downloads. I'll never stop being a fan of buying an album from a store/online.
im a huge pirate most my music libary is downloaded, but if it wasnt for downloaded music i wudnt know half the music i know, i dont want to buy a cd for 10 quid or whatever to find out I hate the band is a waste of my money, and being a student i dont have much money, if I download an album I will buy it eventually. If it for a smaller band ill buy it as soon as I can as I feel the smaller bands are in more in need of the money than the huge bands like Metallica, Maiden etc. Ill be honest i downloaded a couple of evile songs before i saw em live, saw em live loved em, downloaded ETG, was soo impressed by the album i brought it, and a few shirts, and the redux, went to see em on tour again, so they have received a fair bit of my money, but if I hadnt downloaded and listened to ETG i probs wudnt have brought and wudnt be a fan of evile, so I dont mind piracy as long as the person does go out and contribute to the artist some how. And downloading is very handy for album which are extremly rare to find such as All Hallows Eve and The Hell Demo, im pretty sure im never gonna own a physical copy of em but ive got em downloaded and they are excellent.
When i buy an album i import it into my laptop and the CD will end up in my collection in a box under my bed, so the CD hardly ever gets used, but i do prefer to have a physical copy
im a huge pirate most my music libary is downloaded, but if it wasnt for downloaded music i wudnt know half the music i know, i dont want to buy a cd for 10 quid or whatever to find out I hate the band is a waste of my money, and being a student i dont have much money, if I download an album I will buy it eventually. If it for a smaller band ill buy it as soon as I can as I feel the smaller bands are in more in need of the money than the huge bands like Metallica, Maiden etc. Ill be honest i downloaded a couple of evile songs before i saw em live, saw em live loved em, downloaded ETG, was soo impressed by the album i brought it, and a few shirts, and the redux, went to see em on tour again, so they have received a fair bit of my money, but if I hadnt downloaded and listened to ETG i probs wudnt have brought and wudnt be a fan of evile, so I dont mind piracy as long as the person does go out and contribute to the artist some how. And downloading is very handy for album which are extremly rare to find such as All Hallows Eve and The Hell Demo, im pretty sure im never gonna own a physical copy of em but ive got em downloaded and they are excellent.
When i buy an album i import it into my laptop and the CD will end up in my collection in a box under my bed, so the CD hardly ever gets used, but i do prefer to have a physical copy

I agree with this wall of text! :lol:

If I buy a cd, I never see it again. I rip them straight to my pc and listen to them through media player. The case goes under my desk never to be seen again. I only buy albums I really really like, small bands, ones that are out of print or the odd weird one.

To not waste your money, use things like MySpace / Spotify, which streams music for free so you can see if you like the cut of the bands jib. Don't use being a student as an excuse, I'm a student and I still find the cash to buy cd's if I really want to check a band out.