Pirating music

To not waste your money, use things like MySpace / Spotify, which streams music for free so you can see if you like the cut of the bands jib. Don't use being a student as an excuse, I'm a student and I still find the cash to buy cd's if I really want to check a band out.
That's a pretty good excuse. I have to work a whole evening for one fucking cd. (17.00 - 23.00 )
Did you completely ignore what I just said? I have to do the exact same, work a full shift to earn a cd, but I think it's something which downloading an album doesn't rival, having a cd in the future could be a collectable thing, whereas a download is nothing, I like having physical parts of what will one day be the past.
Why is that such a shock?

I'd prefer to have all my music on my laptop/ipod so I can selected it whenever I went rather than looking through a collection and swapping the discs round constantly, especially the case when I don't listen to an album all the way through.
I buy my albums so that I can enjoy to them properly, listen to them through a proper hi-fi, at the highest quality possible.. I tend not to listen to my record collection through my PC, because it doesn't sound as good. Basically.

Each to their own anyway.
It usually depends what I'm in the mood for and the situation. If it's morning and I need a kick in the ass, I throw on a CD into the kitchen stereo. If I'm on the laptop, I use either Spotify (God I love Premium, no fucking ads every second song) or the tiny library I currently have (still need to transfer everything from my old comp, though I do need to re-rip some albums).
I hate pirating music but I can't help doing it. (That sucks, 'cause I'd like to listen to music in a good quality, to support my favourite bands but I can't afford it.)
If you're from EU/USA (or another country with developed economy) you probably have enough money to buy at least some cds each month. So pirating music is only a question of your moral values. But it's not that case if you're from the "second world" country...many people REALLY can't afford it.
Then those people REALLY shouldn't be listening to the albums illegaly, and they REALLY have to save money like me to buy an album every 2 months.
I buy from bands I very much support (Evile because they are the kings of thrash, Lazarus AD for making GOOD US THRASH and because they're from my state), but not much else.
Without downloading music I wouldn't have discovered Dir en grey, as they haven't had any mainstream radio air play.
And the radio is annoying.
Now when they come out with a CD I end up with the copy I order from Japan and the one I buy at the show where I end up buying YET another Dir en grey T shirt.

Which is when I have money, but I'd hate to miss a Dir en grey show if it's right in my state.
Man, I love Dir en grey.
Without car stealing I wouldn't have discovered Golf GTI, as not many people have them here.

Any way you put it, downloading is wrong, no matter how many excuses you find. Not having money is the worst excuse, if you think albums are expensive it's because you make them get expensive by downloading them.
Not the same thing...
Besides, do you know how expensive Japanese versions of CDs cost? I'm mostly unemployed and I'll try to cough up the 30 bucks and the 15 bucks for the Japanese, American versions respectfully.
This was long before Myspace and things like that. Dir en grey hadn't played in America yet.
Not discovering Dir en grey would have sucked...
So I got to admit, in the right hands, it's a useful tool.
Downloading got OTHER westerners into Dir en grey. Now folks can buy individual tracks of theirs from Itunes and Amazon.com. Now they are on an American label and folks can buy cheaper versions of their CDs. (But the Japanese versions are better.)
So I can't really discount a tool like music downloading that comes in handy for getting new bands and bringing Dir en grey here so I can discover Fair to Midland.

Also, I usually end up having to buy used second hand CDs from Half.com or places like Amazon or used video games.
You won't change your mind on this, you will keep finding excuses to defend illegal downloading so let's leave it here. And remember you're talking to a mexican, don't try to teach me about money problems :lol:
Then those people REALLY shouldn't be listening to the albums illegaly, and they REALLY have to save money like me to buy an album every 2 months.

Good advice. If I wanted to make my life more senseless I would definitely follow it and stop listening to music. No, thanks.

By the way, I save the money and buy cds. I don't drink beer though I love it, don't buy clothing and makeup etc. But anyway I can hardly store about 15-20 euros for cds, gigs and merch each month. I guess that's not enough to be a good fan and not enough to buy all the music I love. I agree that having no money is the worst excuse. But...
I have never downloaded any albums (Cos I don't know how to do it)

What I tend to do is buy a CD from HMV as they really are the only musical outlet available and if I don't like the album I just take it back and tell them the truth and get my money back, I have only done this twice with My Dying Bride opus The Light at the End of the World which was utterly dire and Katatonia's The Great Cold Distance which was pure mince, bland as hell