Pirating music

Without car stealing I wouldn't have discovered Golf GTI, as not many people have them here.

Any way you put it, downloading is wrong, no matter how many excuses you find. Not having money is the worst excuse, if you think albums are expensive it's because you make them get expensive by downloading them.

P much, but I still maintain that downloading old demos should be fine. Theres no ther way to obtain them unles you do what my buddy Jeff did, and spend $800+ on an original copy that probably doesn't work anyway. Since theywere never really made available to the public, the band never made any money off them in the first place. So Ithink that is the only exception to the no downloading thing.
Good advice. If I wanted to make my life more senseless I would definitely follow it and stop listening to music. No, thanks.

By the way, I save the money and buy cds. I don't drink beer though I love it, don't buy clothing and makeup etc. But anyway I can hardly store about 15-20 euros for cds, gigs and merch each month. I guess that's not enough to be a good fan and not enough to buy all the music I love. I agree that having no money is the worst excuse. But...

If you need music so desperatley sell your computer and buy albums :) There will never exist a reason (excuse) that is good enough to forgive illegal downloading. But since it's so common these days and people are so used to it, people stop thinking it's wrong. It's the same as every other thing you have to pay for!! Is it fine to go to a restaurant and eat all you can, and then run away without paying just because you're hungry? No.

P much, but I still maintain that downloading old demos should be fine. Theres no ther way to obtain them unles you do what my buddy Jeff did, and spend $800+ on an original copy that probably doesn't work anyway. Since theywere never really made available to the public, the band never made any money off them in the first place. So Ithink that is the only exception to the no downloading thing.

Yeah, I think that would be fine, like you said there is no other way to get them and the artist won't lose anything. The same goes to concerts aired on T.V. For example, I downloaded Bodom's concert at Seoul 2001 because there was no DVD, or any place to buy it and watch it in good quality on my TV.
There, I bought you're album, and I have to say that it was WAY too cheap... Almost half the price of a normal album on iTunes...

On topic:
But I must admit that I've downloaded a lot of music illegally, but I'm gonna buy (almost) every singel one of them later on :) Rigte now I'm short on cash, so it will be hard to buy all the cool albums in september this year, but you guys deserve the money.
the problem with the "i'll download it now and buy it later when i have the time/money" logic is there is little incentive for you to actually do it if you've been listening to the album for months/years at a perfectly fine sound quality.
If you need music so desperatley sell your computer and buy albums :) There will never exist a reason (excuse) that is good enough to forgive illegal downloading. But since it's so common these days and people are so used to it, people stop thinking it's wrong. It's the same as every other thing you have to pay for!! Is it fine to go to a restaurant and eat all you can, and then run away without paying just because you're hungry? No.

I would sell my computer if I had it. I use internet free at my university. :lol:
(by the way, I think that free mp3 isn't like a food in a restaurant, it's like a McDonald's :Puke:. I mean that's a total bullshit and everyone knows that but if you're starving you definitely will buy it)

I guess one pair of jeans bought in second hand in two years definitly means "I don't buy clothing". ))) or something like that.
See, I becomea hypocritical bastard every so often like I have recently when I downloaded Endgame. Thing is, I tend to do such things for reviews only a large majority of the time, and I'll be buying Endgame as soon as possible - its for journalism, nothing more. Naturally, I'm not trying to condone my hypocrisy in any way but I'm just saying haha
Thing is, I'm really not hahaha. The ONLY album that I've downloaded and still notgotten around to buying is, strangely enough, United Abominations. Which I got emailed for revie about a month before it was initiall released :lol: Then again I had about 60 reviews to do around that time, very few ot done as far as I remember :(
Pirating music; Music to pirate to.

Skull Branded Pirates
Running Wild
I used to download about 5 albums a day, but as soon as I realised limewire pro was also illegal (oops) I purchased every album I thought worth purchasing and I deleted everything else.

I'll never download again. It's stealing, plain and simple. Any justification for downloading is weak, except maybe for downloading old demos, although I personally wouldn't do this either.

If you really like 'good music' anyway, wouldn't you rather listen to it on cd or vinyl rather than some crappy mp3 etc etc etc

In sum, downloading is stealing. Continue if you want but please don't pretend as though it's okay.