pitch perfect?


New Metal Member
Jan 30, 2006
there was a thread about this somewhere

i was just thinking people couldnt have PERFECT pitch hearing coz it would just ruin music for them, you have to remeber every note 'tuned perfectly' today is unotisablely slightly out of tune, so sharps and flats can fit it. with out them you cant change key, if you had pitch perfect hearingyou would pick that up and everything would sound out of tune, it was Pythagoras who mathmaticaly created the perfectly in tune notes but it was restricted by being stuck in 1 key, so people slightly detuned the notes to fit in sharps and flats so key changes could be done. so no one is going to hear pitch perfect unless they only ever play music and listen to music that is using the Pythagoras scale.:Smug:
So basically you typed all of that in an attempt to say that people with perfect pitch could only listen to music in the key of C?
Haha, good one, cuntface.
Yoda said:
So basically you typed all of that in an attempt to say that people with perfect pitch could only listen to music in the key of C?
Haha, good one, cuntface.
well yeah but, not everyone will understand why? i gave resons and explained, if i just posted a thread saying
'everyone with perfect pitch can only hear in the pythagoras scale which is C' that wouldnt get very far would it... and the key of C we use now isnt the same as the pythagoras scale, we wouldnt notis, but some one who had 'pitch perfect hearing' would still hear things playing in the key of C out of tune unless it is the pythagoras

so basicaly, you cant realy hear in 'pitch perfect'... well you can if you stick to the pythagoras but thats not going to get u very far
Ughh @ people who know so little trying to start big arguments.

Pythagoras tuned to perfect 5th's only, leaving one "wolf" aka "shit" 5th. And all of the major thirds and minor thirds (most of modern harmonies) sound like shit to anyone regardless of "perfect pitch". There IS a tuning that gets everything right in one key. It is called "pure" tuning and it is what you would hear a classical choir sing because the human ear naturally goes to the correct pitch when instruments aren't there to fuck it up.

Why is this on the Opeth board??
Braighs said:
Ughh @ people who know so little trying to start big arguments.

Pythagoras tuned to perfect 5th's only, leaving one "wolf" aka "shit" 5th. And all of the major thirds and minor thirds (most of modern harmonies) sound like shit to anyone regardless of "perfect pitch". There IS a tuning that gets everything right in one key. It is called "pure" tuning and it is what you would hear a classical choir sing because the human ear naturally goes to the correct pitch when instruments aren't there to fuck it up.

Why is this on the Opeth board??
its on the opeth forum coz i think ther was another one about this, i wasnt starting an arugement i was just confused, and i dont realy know what perfect pitch as there wer so many people saying differnt things in that thread. i just remeberd what my music teacher said he didnt go into much detail probably why i got it wrong