Pitch shifter plugin for drums?

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia

Trigger is being weird and not playing the two samples at the exact same time, so theres a little flam on the attack, so I need to combine the samples externally. Only problem is outside of Trigger I don't have anything to shift the pitch of a drum, at least nothing that sounds good.

Suggestions (preferably free!)?
why not changing the pitch in trigger then and record the pitched samples -> combine them externally?

which daw are you running? cubase/nuendo/logic all have nice pitch shifting.
why not changing the pitch in trigger then and record the pitched samples -> combine them externally?

Cos then I'd have to make a separate TCI for every single WAV sample.

which daw are you running? cubase/nuendo/logic all have nice pitch shifting.

Sonar. Maybe it has good pitch shifting offline (also fine) but I haven't found it. There's a real-time plugin and an offline plugin, but neither are good for drums like whatever is built into Trigger/apTrigga/etc. The latter's shifting preserves the transients really well, the former completely ignores them and starts phasing them and flamming them and making them unusable.