plastic nathrakh get out of the forum


  • plastic nathrakh get out of the forum

    Votes: 19 82.6%
  • plastic nathrakh please don't get out of the forum

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
I don't see the post! I think the thread was on RC actually, and was deleted cause some douche posted pics of Ali and his kid and made fun of the kid. Or something.

His post was something like:

I don't see the post! I think the thread was on RC actually, and was deleted cause some douche posted pics of Ali and his kid and made fun of the kid. Or something.

That's odd, when I click on the second link it takes me right to it. Anyway, this is the text of it:

phyre said:
Look. I did say that "[Alexi] also does a few rather futile attempts at semi-clean singing here and there," I did say that "there are a few heavier PANTERA-styled riffs here and there," don't come trying to fucking tell me that I didn't describe the music at all. I know every CoB fanboy is going to get this album REGARDLESS of what I say because they already KNOW what it sounds like, but to all other potential buyers the review is my way of issuing a warning because the album fucking sucks. As I've said before, it's not biased, it's my opinion. Did you ever get into your thick skulls that I said numerous times that I've even ENJOYED SOME PREVIOUS BODOM WORKS? Is that a fucking BIAS? Well yes, POSSIBLY, but since it's a positive fucking bias if anything your arguments are rendered null, void ad worthless!

Music reviewing is about giving the reviewer's opinion on the music. It is not about reading fucking tablature or analyzing song structures in great detail, because what consistutes well-composed music to one might sound like total fucking CRAP to another. Were all music reviewers to dissect an album like Bathory's "The Return" or Darkthrone's "Transilvanian Hunger" by reading the FUCKING TABS and measuring the fucking TECHNICAL ABILITY do you think they would ever get higher than 1/10? No. Now as it stands these albums regularly get 9/10 and 10/10 because they are greater than the sum of their parts. "Hate Crew Deathroll," on the other hand, sounds to me like great musicianship wasted on crap songs with 0% innovation -- i.e. what turns out as something less than the sum of its parts.

Rant over, now go flush yourselves down the toilet. Peace.

Dick Sirloin said:
His post was something like:


LOL, I totally remember that as well. We were thinking of different posts then. The thread I posted is still a golden read if you're interested. The forum was incredibly fun back in those days (and by "the forum" I mean RC of course).
Haha wow that was great. I missed some good times, shoulda started posting back then :erk:
That was from the FIRST forum war, which was just an overture to THE BIG EPIC ONE where a lot of people got all butt-hurt and mass deletions were made and the Men In Black came and erased everyone's memory. One of the dickheads was named EagleFlyFree, I def remember that....
That was from the FIRST forum war, which was just an overture to THE BIG EPIC ONE where a lot of people got all butt-hurt and mass deletions were made and the Men In Black came and erased everyone's memory. One of the dickheads was named EagleFlyFree, I def remember that....

Yeah, I think they've been purged to the wastelands. If you check out this old thread, it contains a bunch of links that go absolutely nowhere (I'm guessing the thread you mentioned was among them):
i used to post way too verbosely

now i would post something like "shut up" instead of that wall of text
Fine, but if the cops show up then I'm throwing you guys over the fence. And if yer really bringing 8 people, then some of you might be sitting on the ground just fyi.

You're making this sound as if I'm begging you to let me go. You invited me you silly dilly.

I may/may not have hyperbolized the amount of homies. I may/may not have any friends at all. Who knows?
You're making this sound as if I'm begging you to let me go. You invited me you silly dilly.

I may/may not have hyperbolized the amount of homies. I may/may not have any friends at all. Who knows?

Nayfarts, just want to be clear that underage attendees must promptly be hoisted over the fence in the event of cops. Which most likely won't happen anyway, but I have professional credentials to protect. :)

Our Mexican neighbors have all night karaoke parties without incident, so I think we're good.
Jerry, how did you pull off calling me from a DFW number and RSVP'ing under the name of Matt Stone? That's some good work, mein bruder! :p
My name being mentioned for the third or fourth time in this forum makes me extremely uncomfortable. Good thing I have South Park to fall back on since no one likes me here.
I see enough of erik at any given day so i won't re-post the image again though seriously, man.. it's pretty good! even though it's made from a photo. the colors aren't perfect but the brushstrokes shows that grandma's got talent!

you should totally hook up with her so you don't have to send pics of yourself taken in the mirror to any other e-dates!
His post was something like:






Government mandated hysterectomy NOW!

Bonus Material:
