Please help me find a guitar for metal.

- determined n00b -
Jan 30, 2011
First and foremost requirement: it has to ROAR. I think the tone I'm going for is only possible with active pickups. I had a Yamaha RGX1220A that had a sound I liked (unfortunately I sold it a couple of years ago, and I haven't found any for sale now - well, the trem system sucked ayway).

Fixed bridge preferred.

Non-pointy body shape preferred.

Price max. €500 (don't mind buying used). Yes, I'm in the EU.

Any advice appreciated!
look for a LTD MH-400/401
awesome guitars, very good chance to get an used one for 500€

where are you from? just found on on german ebay, starting price is 300
and you could buy it instantly for 450€

Hey there - I'm Danish.

That LTD has a FR, which I'd rather avoid. The colour isn't me either. :eek: Thanks anyway, man.

I'm looking at an Ibanez RGT6exfx priced at @ €400, like new condition. What do you think?
If you want a 7 stringer, i can recommend the Viper 417 which you can have for i think around 650 USD.
An example of how its older brother Viper 407 slays almost everything:

BTW No i am not OndskapensHersker :)
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Not looking for a seven-stringer, but thanks.

Any input on the Ibanez RGT6EXFX?
Not looking for a seven-stringer, but thanks.

Any input on the Ibanez RGT6EXFX?

I dont know about every specific Ibanez guitar, but I know Ibanez guitars in general tend to be an excellent bang for their buck. My friend has an XPT700, and he says it's still his favorite guitar he's played, and I think that was like $700. Doesn't have EMGs though.

Just make sure to get a kickass setup!