Please Play When on the Aussie tour

Arnold Layne

Jul 3, 2004
Dunedin, New Zealand
Usually I think these topics are lame but I feel this has some merit. First When is allready being played on the current tour, Second its the song that got me into Opeth. Please Please Please Mike.
rafi said:
they play the song every show..
Uhmm, they have been on this tour, but they change setlists every tour. Sure, there are a few songs that are on almost every show, but When isn't one of them.
Whoah, what the fuck is with that picture?

But yeah, When is the only song that I REALLY REALLY want to see.
I don't think played When at either of the Brisbane shows, so that would be awesome to see. They did play April Ethereal though, which was amazing. Hopefully they've gotten the Blackwater Park regulars out of their system (Drapery Falls, Bleak) because as much as I like those songs, they played them both times, and I'd rather hear more MAYH and Still Life. Anyway, if they play Ghost of Predition my evening will be perfect.
I'm not attacking any bands here...I'm attacking certain fans of certain bands. (Not directed at anyone in this thread, though)
P.S I like Tool too
They've played it on every show this year other than SOTU I believe.
Oops, last year I mean.