please rate my mixes! i think they suck!


New Metal Member
Jun 16, 2007
I don't know what it is, if it's the mix itself or my pathetic attempt at mastering, but they just plain suck! First off, I know it's inconsistent, a lot of the songs were recorded at different times with different gear and yes the guitar tones suck, and there's prob still some small edits/effects fixes i'll have to take care of. But overall, it just still sounds baaaaaaaad!

Vox are too loud but the singer doesn't think so.

Sounds decent on my regular comp speakers and headphones but in the car it sounds like the whole mix is in a box, with a overpowering vocalist!

Any help or advice would be GREATLY appreciated! I'm completely out of ideas!! Maybe it's the mastering?? maybe it's the mix itself?! i'm dyiiiiiiiiiin here! thanks in advance for all who decide to even have the patience to hear any/all of these tunes!!! Town Is On Fire - Brazen.mp3 Town Is On Fire - Double Down.mp3 Town Is On Fire - Glutton Hunt.mp3 Town Is On Fire - Harvester.mp3 Town Is On Fire - Love!gun.mp3 Town Is On Fire - Man Vs Himself.mp3 Town Is On Fire - Throwing Myself.mp3 Town Is On Fire - Pure Waterfall.mp3
can you send a short clip (say 30 seconds) of one of the songs as raw multitracks?

I'm assuming you mean 30 seconds of all of the songs put together, one after another? Or do you mean 30 seconds of one song, and their individual isolated instrument/vocal tracks?
like you said the vocals are way too loud. they sound kinda like they are above everything else. like the drums and the guitars are background music to the vocals. that snare sounds like a real snare but, not a very well tuned/mic'd one. replace snare with nice sample.
I'm assuming you mean 30 seconds of all of the songs put together, one after another? Or do you mean 30 seconds of one song, and their individual isolated instrument/vocal tracks?

the latter one. If you are using cubase (and windows), you can easily do it like this:

- Choose a range
- Select the clips in the loop with the default tool and go AUDIO > BOUNCE SELECTION
- Go to your windows browser and go to the audio files folder and order the files by date modified and zip up the newest files

Music isn't bad, there's actually some cool stuff, but...why the hell there's have to be somesort vocals all over the mix all of the time? And those vox...well, too much is too much.
Mixes are little boxy and dry. I mean, what I hear under the overhelming voc's. :lol:
the vocalist STILL thinks he's not loud enough!!!

WHAt do u guys think???!! I think it's perfect!
Its better, but there is quite a lot muck in the low mids.

Oh shit, sorry mate; I forgot to add the screenshot of the mixer screen, but what can you do, it was 8am and I was going to bed when I posted it and thats why the channels are hot red, couldn't think straight. the eq in the masterbus is just a highpass filter at 35hz and -12dB drop in the volume.

But here it is :) If you have any questions, please ask.