Plug in bundles...


May 16, 2007
I need plugins. I only have free vst plugs ATM (windows based pc), I need a master buss comp mostly. So what are some good bundles that dont cost the arth including a master buss comp. Or can i get just a master buss comp somewhere?
you said cheap so if you are on pro tools (i dont think you are because you are using free VSTs...) i would recommend the massey ct4 plug in. but if you arent the waves ssl bundle has a GREAT bus compressor made just for that purpose i believe. its expensive though...=/. but it also comes with a badass eq and a channel strip.
URS CSP - awesome for usage on individual tracks, busses and on your master bus. The SSL input stage with the right compression settings works like a charm on the master bus. I'd say its really well priced for what you get, especially if you qualify for the education discount.