Plug In for a little bass topend grind

Is it me or does the behringer sound good? Damn...

On the original question, I use the TS7, works ok
yeah, for a $25 pedal, it sounds really good. :) It is a bit noisy though, and that is as aggressive as it gets.

I like the Tubescreamer too. It's a sound I've heard on metal albums before, or close to it.

The Sansamp plugin is IMO shit compared to any of these pedals in the shootout.
I've done some last-resort "amp-like" bass tracks (along with the DI being recorded, of course) with my Morley JD-10. I have to say it works in getting that grind that makes the difference on smaller speakers.
Studio Devil Virtual Bass. Great little plugin, was really surprised with the crunchy tone through to the clean one. Tried it on a Ernie Ball Sub5 (active) and a '77 Jazz Bass and was able to dial in a good tone quickly. Check it out
I gotta agree..I own the boss bass OD but man That TS kills
Thats exactly the sound im looking for on my bass
TS-9 from ahjteam's video and the behringer in AGZ's video wins out of that lot by a fucking landslide.

Holy fuck that behringer sounds good. I feel dirty. :|
hey guys good thing i found this thread right in time, I just recorded some band last saturday and i been trying to get a cool bass tone with some nice distortion but dont like how it sounds.... im using ampeg svx(using the distortion svx distortion pedal) but not having much luck... you guys mind reamping the DI or trying some other plug-in or pedal?

If anybody is willing to give it a shot just reply to thread and ill post up the dI tomorrow.
Hey dude thanks... IS the DI good.. or was to compressed?

I dig the behringer one. Ill post up in a new thread the overall mix when i finish mixing it more, but right now im having a lot of trouble with the guitars( recorded guitars with line 6 amp :zombie:) yeah i know crappy lol.