Pod tones


New Metal Member
Aug 15, 2007
I've decided to use my buddies Pod Pro thingy for our demo recording as I think recording Amps will be a bit too much effort so I was wondering if any of you lovely chaps had some stonking tones I could poach as i have a knack for making amps sound like jars of bees. Big Metal guitars is what i'm going for and something to quadtrack with.
Cheers and Beers
Search button is quite friendly here...
Anyway, Andy's patches can be found here
You should manage to find Diobolic's tone also somewhere around, and that's one awesome patch.
Oh, and welcome to the forum!:headbang:

I apologise (on cobhc's behalf also:lol:) for not welcoming you before, I hope you'll forgive our bad manners... noob!:heh:
I'm still waiting for a sticky in caps, telling people to use the search before asking (sorry if I come off as an ass, but this happens way too often). And as far as the HotPlate site, Gorilla posts on here as Kenny Lee, send him a PM if you wanna find out what's going on with HotPlate/OneManArmy.
I believe I know master Behemoth from somewhere. Didn't you once throw a bucket of freezing water over me while getting drunk one evening in a field in Hampshire??
Well fortunatly i'm currently in the studio and the lovely sound man has agreed to re-amp for next to no pounds so we'll get to use our stonking Powerball and Spiffy 800 (Will probably need help with those too AGHGHAG!!). So... Problem solved. Thanks though chaps for your most helpful comments.