POD XT repairs - anyone done it?


Boob inspector
Jun 10, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
I need to fix (most likely replace) the on/off switch on my Pod XT. It looks like Line6 doesn't have any service centers in the nordic countries (which is lame), so I guess I'll try fixing this myself. Has anybody here done any "DIY" repairs on POD XT, and if so, is it tough to disasseble/reasseble?
I had an issue with the input socket of the power supply and ended up hardwiring the power supply to the board at one point. When I eventually e-mailed Line6 about getting it repaired, they sent me the part free of charge.

What is the issue with yours, exactly?

FWIW, it's incredibly easy to dis/reassemble - take the screws out of the back, remove the knobs on the front (they just pull off), and you're there.
Thanks Jeff, appreciate the answer!

The story is that the switch starting acting weird, sometimes I had turn it off and on a couple of times and then it would start - sometimes it was flickering like there was a bad connection before turning on. Then it went completely dead on me.

I first thought that it was the power supply but then I noticed that flickering when switching it on so I suspect the switch itself.

Was your Pod still under warranty when you contacted Line 6? Just thinking if I should try contacting them (mine is out of warranty).
Is the plug of power cable ok? Or was it already replaced with a third party one? Had the same weird issues, replacing the power cable with an original line 6 did it for me. You need 2A thats 2000ma none of my other power pugs had that high Ampere