
New Metal Member
Apr 1, 2005
I know this has prob been asked a 1000 times. Do you have a POD XT Tone thread where people post their patches?
Kazrog said:
Here's a couple of sounds I've created, which I used on my band's recent demo:


These were designed to be used with a Tube Screamer pedal in front of your POD XT. Don't have one? Turn on "stomp" and I've set the emulated screamer to my usual settings. The real thing sounds better though!

Thanks man I actually do use a Boss super OD as a "boost".

I was thinking of getting a screamer just which one is the question.
jrtme said:
Thanks man I actually do use a Boss super OD as a "boost".

I was thinking of getting a screamer just which one is the question.
Hey Johnnie!
You know I had(and still have before the guy I sold it to pays the money) a Maxon OD-808. I just ordered OD-820, should be here a couple of days. I am sure it will be well worth the money. Andy uses it in the studio too.

It is there on the top of Krank.