POD XT vs. X3 ???

Here's a funny side story about this too....
So I was calling all the GC's in the area asking if anyone had any XT's or X3's in stock that I could come down and pick up or try out. NOPE. Are you kidding me? The weekend before Christmas, and they don't have one of the most popular guitar effects gear in stock? Whwhwhat? On a positive note, they did offer to sell me the floor display unit at regular price. :lol: :lol: :lol: :goggly: :goggly: :goggly: Wowwww. I felt bad, I literally laughed at the lady when she told me that. I asked why it would be normal price, and if I could get a discount since a bunch of dumbass 13 year olds are in there every day fucking with it, messing it up, and getting their who-knows-where-they've-been hands and germs all over it? Anyway, not a real important story, I just thought it was amusing. Good thing Musicians Friend offered free s&h. :)

I went into a shop to ask if they had a Line 6 M13 that I could try. Guy was like "Yeah, but its new in the box." and I said.. well can I try it.. and he said no... because people wont want to buy a used item.

How the fuck does he expect someone to know if they want to buy it, if he wont let them use it!?! :u-huh:

Stupid cunt.

Anyway.. I'm a big fan of all kinds of modelling stuff; the Line 6 is still useful, esp. for bass.
No way dude, don't feel bad for laughing, that bitch is a fucking cunt for even trying to take you for a ride like that, screw her :lol:

And why anyone would consider using Line6 modeling technology for tones (not to mention spending money on it :Puke: ) in the days of cheap audio interfaces and LePou, Nick Crow, and Onqel (TSE) utterly escapes me :goggly:

While yes, I now use Nick Crow for 6505-esque tones, I still think POD Farm is extremely useful if only just for Big Bottom and Diamond Plate. They just have particular tones I can't get any other way, so I don't see what's wrong with doing that.
Anyway, I bought my POD at less than half new price (granted, it was used, but the previous owner barely used it), and there was no way I wold have paid full price for it.
While yes, I now use Nick Crow for 6505-esque tones, I still think POD Farm is extremely useful if only just for Big Bottom and Diamond Plate. They just have particular tones I can't get any other way, so I don't see what's wrong with doing that.
Anyway, I bought my POD at less than half new price (granted, it was used, but the previous owner barely used it), and there was no way I wold have paid full price for it.

Well... i'm a sucker and paid full price. :lol:
I just don't trust anything used -- especially if I have to pay more than $100 for it. I've been burned way too many times buying from shady people. I guess that's the risk you take. Good for you though finding one that's good for half the price.