Pole dancing [for fitness!]

I'll smile and nod and pretend I know what moves you're talking about. :lol:

Ha, seriously though - you're much, much more advanced than I am and only know the names of the very basic moves/positions.
Is straight leg drop back where your body is basically vertical and you're leaning back away from the pole while keeping yourself held up with your thighs?
yep, that's the one, i can get pretty much into position but just not brave enough to let go yet... soon though... soon

shoulder inverts are standing with your back against the pole, gripping the pole above your head behind you, then jumping and getting your legs onto the pole above you head... not fun!
ppl here is enough closed minded, and double moral, enough to see bad even a sex shop (in the fact for them im a freak satanic-darky-witch) so for learn this kind of things even for fitness you have to go at men's clubs in the red area of the city lol and learn from the professionals :P
When I first started learning it two years ago it was from a professional in a lap dancing club, and they were definately teaching it for people to become strippers / pole dancers. That's one of the reasons I left. But the place I go to now is in the middle of a metal club (obviously not while it's open :p ) justfor exercise

That's the group that I'm with at the moment.
They're awesome. :]

I did that straight leg drop back yesterday for the first time but...not. It was my left leg out and my right leg crossed over on top and that kept me in position. I was rather proud, 'cause I was by myself practicing.

shoulder inverts are standing with your back against the pole, gripping the pole above your head behind you, then jumping and getting your legs onto the pole above you head... not fun!

Not fun, but look freaking amazing when people pull 'em off!
Sampy Arctica™;7584435 said:
I did that straight leg drop back yesterday for the first time but...not. It was my left leg out and my right leg crossed over on top and that kept me in position. I was rather proud, 'cause I was by myself practicing.

that's the cross-leg drop back

still rather impressive!!!
Nowhere near as impressive as Katie's photos [actually, it's not impressive at all] but it's the only photo I've got.

So, last monday my class was booked to do a public performance, all we were told was it was a band's afterparty. I'm thinking, local band, maybe 20-30 people, good for my first public performance. so when we started at 11pm, there were about 30 people, people were clapping and cheering, it was going really well.... by midnight there were about 150 people there, little daunting, but still having great fun. then the band arrived. Bring me the Horizon. That's right, i had to dance right in front of Olli Sykes. You know what, I feel rather wrong after that... and having chair thrown at me by one of the fuckers didn't exactly help.
Despite the band, it was a great night, had so much fun, can't wait to do it again!!!

Just been booked to do a performance on new years eve, in front of a lot of people i know, no doubt that's going to be rather more nerve-wracking, but i can't wait!!
hehe why thank you!

oooh had my lesson last night and learnt a new move, so proud!!! no one else in the class can do it, my teachers jealous because i learnt it in a week and it took her a month and a half haha
don't know what it's called but you hook your right knee around the pole, then put your left knee in front of the pole further down so your legs are in a triangle, then let go and push your body out so you're literally horizontal off the pole. IT HURTS LIKE HELL!!!!!!! i've got a massive lump on my knee but it's soooooooooo worth it!
I know what you're talking about.
Nice work! Somebody certainly seems to be a natural. ;)

I missed my lesson this week. Wasn't in the mood in venture out of the house at all, but I'm kind of kicking myself now.
Oh well. Next Thursday. My first intermediate class! My 'Pole Moves' class just finished, it was kind of the bridging lessons between beginner and intermediate.
it's really weird, I mean Butterfly, the knee hold and that one I learnt last night are all advanced moves and i found them really easy... yet there are some really simple moves I just can't do at all, and inverting I find really hard... ah well, i love the ones i can do hehe

what moves have you learnt then?
Not many and only the simple ones.

Erm...don't know the names for them either. I'll try to remember from the very first class...climb [and then letting go with hands and swinging one leg], hook spin, backwards hook spin, the sunbather, double climbs [and then body rolls down the pole until we get to the floor again], figure skater, fan rolls [god, they make me feel so embarrassed!], um, there's this move that I forget what it's called...you kind of swing your entire body backwards around the pole, but keeping your left side adjacent to the floor...it took us a while to get 'cause we kept either flopping our bodies forward, or rolling back etc. I'll try to find out what it's called this week. Oh. and there's that spin around the pole with your body tucked around it horizontally...kind of like the olive on a toothpick in a martini. :lol: Only your body is the olive and the toothpick is the pole. If that makes any sense. I think it's just called a tuck, but I'm not sure.


The move that's at 2:21!

Then I've also done the cross leg drop back outside of class [boredom, waiting for class to start haha] and then slid down into a handstand. Also did a superman outside of class for the same reason. I dunno. Just this random stuff that hasn't been overly hard so far, considering. Just starting to branch off the beginner stuff. :p
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Awesome, I finally get to watch you dance with my own eyes rather than a camera screen:loco:
New years is gonna be funnnnnn:rock:

haha makes up for all the "how about that pole?" "too thick", "that one?" "too thin", "that one?" "that one bends."... at bloodstock. oh muchly fun will be had. completely forgot to invite camp m****e at the weekend, will try and remember this week...