Poll: How many of you pull 24 hour sessions?

How often do you pull a 24 hour session?

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16 hours and im beat.

Yeah that is absolutly my maximum!!!!
After hour 10 I turn down to monitors as quite as possible and give the musicians headphones.

My body feels like crap, my back hurts like hell.....isnt fun.

Yeah Joey raise your rates as soon as possible.
Or make everyday day an 8h day. So if you work 16h you get two days paid.

but 24h no fucking way!!!!
watching a full season 24 fucks you up, dont wanna know how it feels to track/mix 24h :)
Too many tiny but so frustrating mistakes creep in after 12+ hours as your attention to detail slowly fades. Stupid things like arming the right tracks etc. A ground-up mix also becomes virtually impossible as I tend to misjudge relative levels and frequencies with fatigued ears and mind.

But the worst thing is, being overworked for a long period of time turns me into miserable fuck. Mentally but also physically.

Taking much needed time off for other things actually saves me time in the long run because I'll tackle my tasks more efficiently.

Even small (but frequent) breaks can make a world of a difference.
3 and a half weeks into living in the control room and I can totally feel your pain. The lack of seperatiom between work and home for me, as it is for you, has driven me to just work around the clock as sleeping just feels weird. I'm probably doing 8-12 hrs a day of tracking/things involving critical listening and editing the rest of the 24hr period til I crash out. Wake up repeat.

Maybe you need a vacation?
I actually pull all nighters fairly frequently, I'm not really a big fan of sleep. Sometimes I stay up for 2-3 days at a time. During that time is when I find im most inspired and motivated to get stuff done, so whether it is recording, mixing, writing a new song, working on graphic design or my website, I'm always busy doing something haha.
Only once, when I worked as porn actor.
My dick was like Led Zeppelin's cover artwork:

Im lucky enough to be able to basically just:

1) play + record + whatever until I fall asleep
2) Repeat step 1

It dont make me feel particularly healthy, but I feel like a lazy bastard if I'm in bed without my woman.
Doesn't staying up for 24hrs mean you sleep the next day when you could be working.

36hrs FTW!
In fairness I agree with that/ I dont tend to hit it solid-solid for days. Ill track/mix in bursts and do shit in between to keep my ears fresh so I probably dont count even though im borderline insomniac.
I've done maybe 10 or so 24hour plus sessions in my life. I look back now and realize the last 6-8 hours were a total waste. However we you got deadlines you do what you gotta.

Interesting side story to all this I heard that near the end of his life, the late Bruce Fairburn refused to work (and this included his engineer/editor/assistant) more then 8 hours a day and always took a 30 minute lunch. He was a firm believer in working your ballz off for 8 hours (almost) and then coming back totally fresh. More importantly...having a life outside of music.
And often get miserable and/or make yourself sick.

Yeah. I remember after doing the 36 hour session I mentioned earlier, I was sleep deprived to the point of forgetting my own name and felt pretty fucking sick. Not to mention for the last 12 hours of the session I was working at a snail's pace from being flat out exhausted and in need of a break. Probably could have gotten the rest of the work I had to do done in 3-4 hours rather than 12 if I'd have just been able to stop there.

Not worth it at all.