Poll: Let's suppose the Borknagar members turned into Zombies...


Dec 24, 2004
So, You were at their concert/gig/show or whatever

Now that the Borknagar Members are zombies, They are going to try to eat you.

Unfortunally you do't have a gun.

But you do have this:


Which side would use to kill them? 1? 2? 3?
First 3, then 1. 3 to knock them down, then 1 to stab them through the head.

Edit: If Simen was still in the band I'd throw the crowbar, and get the fuck out.
First 3, then 1. 3 to knock them down, then 1 to stab them through the head.

Seconded. it's a great idea but I would wait until they finish the gig ^^

If Simen and Oystein together looking at me... I'll run faster as possible :rofl:

BTW... Here're still dreaming with Simen's Return, even a zombified return XDDDD
I love this because I just recently found Lars looks like a Zombie in one of the promo pics.
Personally, I wouldn't kill them, just keep them on a leash and train them up to attack people I don't like.

Is it wrong that seeing a crow bar all I can think about is Gordon Freeman?
If I get to wear his outfit during this Zombie outbreak, then YAY!
I would use the crowbar to pry open a box of grenades(sitting conveniently nearby) then I would just start throwing them at people, zombies or not.
lol, I'd just get those collars from that God awful "Fido" movie and have them all as fully functioning undead... under my control the band would remain the same except they would actually tour and Mr. V would cut my lawn on the weekends.

Well I couldn't see this happening, but if it did, I wouldn't use a crowbar. I'd run the fuck out of there!