Porcupine Tree - "In Absentia"


In the attic
Jan 3, 2002
Just purchased this wonderful album tonight! First time I've ever heard the Tree. I am very impressed. "The Sound Of Muzak" is my favorite song right now... the lyrics are so poignant.
The album is sheer beauty and even better than Lightbulb Sun IMO.

My favorite song so far is Collapse the Light Into Earth...
My favorites as of now are Lips Of Ashes and .3, but there isn't a bad song to be found. I think the best thing about the album, and Porcupine Tree in general is the fact that there's so much diversity, but it's still so cohesive. That's why there can be so many different favorite songs.
Originally posted by Brooks
collapse the light into earth is stunning

You're right. It took me about 5 listens to finally realize the brillance of this song. I was in that state between sleep and consciousness last night... and I the music was floating around me, enveloping me... it was amazing.
for some absurd reason you wanks, sorry Yanks are getting the album now, whilst we here in England have to wait until Febuary, or is it March for the album to come out. :mad: i mean the band come from here don't they... sometimes i wonder (shakes head) im aware i can buy the album of the net but thats not the point.

NP: Lacuna Coil - Humane
YES! It is a true masterpiece, and it's skyrocketed past Arctutus' "The Sham Mirrors" as Album of the Year, IMO.

At first, I didn't like it as much as their previous 4 CDS, but now, after a few days of 'experiencing it', it's BLOWN past all of their previous albums!!

BTW, the opener has a clear "Opethian" riff which is just stunning!
Originally posted by IcemanJ256
yeah this cd rules. I hate the packaging, stupid digipak :bah: but the booklet smells good so that makes up for it.

theres a video on it? i didnt even know that.

Iceman: I was listening to Tortoise the other day. Pretty good stuff.
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
Iceman: I was listening to Tortoise the other day. Pretty good stuff.

Tortoise is quite cool. The only CD from them that I can really get into is Standards, though. Hopefully something new will come out soon.
Thanks for bringing this release to my attention!! I also hate the packaging because the disc keeps falling out. My store is selling it for $9.00 which tells me that they are trying to push it. Will we finally hear them on the radio?