Porcupine Tree - "In Absentia"

ProgMetalFan: cool. theyre a great band to check out.
IanDork07: really? I love TNT. so many innovative,interesting, diverse songs.

I would like to see porcpine tree played on the radio, they really deserve it and most of their songs are radio friendly. a good band should finally be recognized. but if not, i dont really care either.

I realized "trains" is my favorite song on it right now... it totally owns me.
Originally posted by Liquid Tension
Thanks for bringing this release to my attention!! I also hate the packaging because the disc keeps falling out. My store is selling it for $9.00 which tells me that they are trying to push it. Will we finally hear them on the radio?

Hell with the increase in their popularity- perhaps they will take Opeth on tour with them! Now wouldn't that be fucking amazing>?!:eek:
arghhh... american lucky bastards!!!!

Now I doubt If I must buy it through the net now or wait the european release of that (you know this fuckers always puts bonus tracks on the last editions.. fuck!)


congratz anyway. I think this is the 1st time PT realeses on america before than europe... hope this will no last too much he he...
Originally posted by OneFootBlaster
Hell with the increase in their popularity- perhaps they will take Opeth on tour with them! Now wouldn't that be fucking amazing>?!:eek:

Fucking amazing would be if they had Pain of Salvation playing also!
I got it today. It's fantastic.

It only takes about 12 days to ship from the US to Europe. And CDNow has it $9.95.

I think it beats having to wait for the european release date.
I've had a good 24 hours of playing time so far, and yes, it's excellent!!! :spin:

My fav track is Trains! (BRILLIANT!!!)

Guess my tops are:
Lips of Ashes (excellent Comus influence!) :p
Collapse the Light..
Heart Attack..
Humm.. mostly I like em all. :lol: (6 and 9 are lower on the list, for now)

I agree about the packing comments. I don't like digipack much, especially a thin one that looks like a promo practically. I haven't read any lyrics yet but musically.. fucking GREAT!! :grin:

i finally buyed today !!!!! :) :) :)

i love the guy of "overstocks" store in barcelona.. he is a huge fan of pt and has bring some copies to sell ... yiiiihhhaaaaa!!

just listening right now.... fuck this sounds good at first sight... so it can be GORGEOUS when it will grow no me !!!!!

(ehem... the love thing was only a joke, ok!)
After a week of flu, I received In Absentia on Thursday. I've listened to it at every opportunity and my current impression is one if indifference.

"Trains" is an amazing song, but I thought that when I managed to get hold of a copy of the sampler. It's also finally nice to hear a 'correct' quality version of "Gravity Eyelids". But the album doesn't really seem to flow for me at the moment like all the others have done (apart from Stupid Dream). For example, "Lightbulb Sun" had an amazing ethereal flowing feel to it, but this one has a darker, more nasty tone to it and seems a bit stop-start. I really do hope I can get into this more, maybe it'll require more listens.

However, it will be on constant rotation, but I've also just got Damnation on promo so that'll be fighting it all the way!! :)

BTW, the opening sample on "Lips of Ashes" (the string-type noise, not sure what it is) was also used by Steve Wilson on a Bass Communion 'song' which is available via the Burning Shed website (http://www.burningshed.com) and I prefer it's use in that.

Blimey, I'm waffling now! All those Europeans that are complaining that it's not available till next year. Check out: http://www.freakemporium.com they have it and if you live in the UK you'll probably get it 2-3 days after your order it! I think it's about £12 (without postage).

That's it I think!
