portable musicplayer?

I'm hoping a company (preferrably Sony) comes out with one that is USB compliant.

I'd like to be able to record band practice in digital audio, without having to worry about a complete digital/analog/digital conversion to upload to a computer, and I don't want to buy a seperate MD player for my computer.
I have just recently got me a Sony MD-Recorder and it is absolutely great! It was just about 130 €, it is absolutely shockproof, MDs are fairly cheap and the sound is awesome!
i currently use a at least 7 years old sony portable cd-player which never failed me. but i want to get a cdplayer who also reads mp3 files. what refrains me from buying one is their thin plastic cases (they will break into 1000 pieces if they fall to the ground) and their tiny displays which don't comply with my need for structure in my music library :)