POS takes a shot at Sym X...why?

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heartbeat of the earth
May 26, 2007
Doylestown, PA
Posted at blabbermouth

Vocalist Daniel Gildenlöw of Sweden's PAIN OF SALVATION has issued the following update:

"We are putting together a nice DVD for you, with some nice bonus material for those who crave it. Problem right now is we haven't decided on the title yet, but we have a bunch of good ones to choose from. 'Sub Par', 'Briefly Described', 'Insert Random Word-Joke Containing the Word 'LIVE'', 'Not A Concept' and 'Want Your Name Here?' are just a few of them. We'll see what comes down when we have shaken it long enough.

"Most of you know that Léo Margarit from France is the new drummer of the band. We are rehearsing new material now and learning to know each other musically as well as personally — and he is also in the process of moving to Sweden.

"We visited Moscow, Russia, some weeks back, and we had a great time. The crowd was great, and we had a good time with [the] organizers, press and fans. We hope to come back as soon as possible. We need to see the Red Square in daylight (with less Disney vibe) and personally I really want to visit the Museum Of National History.

"For those who have not yet seen the clips on YouTube (why do we even bother to make DVDs when we can have lousy recordings released anyway and not even have to bother about getting paid for it?), we did a nice rendition of 'Ashes' together with a nice Russian singer named Kiril (see clip below). We performed sitting in a ring on stage, playing on three balalaikas and spoons, I might add. Now that's a scenery SYMPHONY X will never offer you!"

why di hsay that crap?
I read that yesterday....didn't really think anything of it. I figured it was just a joke pointing out that you don't see other bands doing it and using a random band that popped into his head. I don't see why pointing out that Symphony X doesn't make a habit of sitting in a ring on stage, playing on three balalaikas and spoons should be taken offensively. *shrugs*
I read that yesterday....didn't really think anything of it. I figured it was just a joke pointing out that you don't see other bands doing it and using a random band that popped into his head. I don't see why pointing out that Symphony X doesn't make a habit of sitting in a ring on stage, playing on three balalaikas and spoons should be taken offensively. *shrugs*

Either way, that sure sounds EXCITING! <insert sarcasm emoticon>
Definately take a dump, get a drink, go home, time at that point in the show.
Are we taking bets on how long this version of PoS lasts? I still maintain that Danny Goldenblow has issues, sorry.......
Meedley FTW.

Perfect Element is one of the most beautiful albums I've ever had the pleasure of listening to. I don't understand how anybody can dislike that album, actually.

As far as Gildenlow's comment goes, I don't think he meant it as an insult. I think it's just a joke...
Gildenlow is a pretty good musician and a pretty good singer, but I hate the hippie liberal douche.
As for his comment I say "I should hope not"
as for sitting around playing balalaikas and spoons "am I supposed to be impressed"
wonder what his angle is on "look at us were doing this and that in Russia"
I mean Im cool with that and all but the whole thing sounds like a desperate promotional campaign the way he put it.
Maybe... maybe not, so long as everyone had fun
I dont think it was an insult to SX just a contrasting comparision..... combined with desperation.... lol [mostly kiddin] but Im personally not into being worldly or into "world music", no identity crisis here.
There is no self respecting metal fan or metalhead out there who should deny the King. Like his voice or not, his songs, the riffs, the melodies, everything about his craft is amazing. PoS wish they had half his influence and talent:p

They wish they had his influence? maybe


I took King Diamond half-seriously until the vocals kicked in.

And yes, it is a shame that all liberals get bad mouthed because of the dirty dreadlock-having kind:erk:
hippy ? theres been no "hippys" in nearly 40 years, and they all sold out and became capitolist pigs, run for president, stuff like that. Wanna bees maybe but no hippys

the liberals want to conserve
and the conservatives like to use liberally
Ill stick with being a radical..... lol
I'm really surprised that there are now 18 replies to this thread about half a sentence of an offhand joke by the guy. Honestly, I have as much respect for him and his band as for SX, if not more. This isn't even an issue, it's a non-point.
hey, some of my replies have been only for the disbelief that anyone could willingly slam one of the godfathers of metal. Next he's going to say Dio is a worthless old hack, iron maiden only know how to write one kind of riff and that priest are just a bunch of fags. King Diamond is one of the few figures in the metal scene that has earned respect on the level that any self respecting metal fan should never denounce them. Hell, Iron maiden had some bad albums, but they're still on top of the metal scene (Where they belong!). King is of the same status for true metalheads.
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