POS takes a shot at Sym X...why?

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:lol:I'm not a metalhead. In response though.....Dio is awesome, maiden ranges from awesome to shitty, and Priest just isn't my thing...no real criticisms of them. King Diamond just sounds ridiculous though. I can't listen to that voice and not laugh. I guess I just really don't care about historical relevance within the genre....just how it sounds when it reaches me ears. *shrugs*
I have King Diamond's The Puppet Master (Received it for free... I don't remember how). I listened to most of it once, but it did not appeal to me. I went back to it a few years later... and it was even worse, haha.
I think it was either a joke or an odd attempt at a compliment, either or, their swedish, there idea of funny is our idea of watching paint dry!

From what I've seen, our humour is at least 10x more evolved and funny than Canadian.

Let's see what we get here. I'll google for Canadian jokes. Alright first hit patriotism jokes, I think we can all agree on skipping that one. Ok let's take a jokes from google hit #2:
A French guest who was staying in a hotel in Edmonton phoned room service for some pepper. "Black pepper, or white pepper?" asked the concierge.
"Toilette pepper!"

Oh that's really funny Mr. funny Canadian guy.

Let's see what Swedes have to offer. Googling Swedish humour actually hits this page as #1 http://www.thelocal.se/5854/20061219/. An article about swedish humour! They mention Bellman jokes so here's my own Bellman joke, I made it up just now:
A Canadian, some random guy and Bellman (the swede), were sitting in a hotel room. The Canadian asked the random guy who the funnier guy is, him or the swede. He said: Well it's not fucking you, you mayonaise gurgling mounty!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wasn't that a great joke.

Brought to you by a swede.
From what I've seen, our humour is at least 10x more evolved and funny than Canadian.

Let's see what we get here. I'll google for Canadian jokes. Alright first hit patriotism jokes, I think we can all agree on skipping that one. Ok let's take a jokes from google hit #2:
A French guest who was staying in a hotel in Edmonton phoned room service for some pepper. "Black pepper, or white pepper?" asked the concierge.
"Toilette pepper!"

Oh that's really funny Mr. funny Canadian guy.

Let's see what Swedes have to offer. Googling Swedish humour actually hits this page as #1 http://www.thelocal.se/5854/20061219/. An article about swedish humour! They mention Bellman jokes so here's my own Bellman joke, I made it up just now:
A Canadian, some random guy and Bellman (the swede), were sitting in a hotel room. The Canadian asked the random guy who the funnier guy is, him or the swede. He said: Well it's not fucking you, you mayonaise gurgling mounty!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wasn't that a great joke.

Brought to you by a swede.

:lol::lol::lol: Bloody awesome!!!
From what I've seen, our humour is at least 10x more evolved and funny than Canadian.

Let's see what we get here. I'll google for Canadian jokes. Alright first hit patriotism jokes, I think we can all agree on skipping that one. Ok let's take a jokes from google hit #2:
A French guest who was staying in a hotel in Edmonton phoned room service for some pepper. "Black pepper, or white pepper?" asked the concierge.
"Toilette pepper!"

Oh that's really funny Mr. funny Canadian guy.

Let's see what Swedes have to offer. Googling Swedish humour actually hits this page as #1 http://www.thelocal.se/5854/20061219/. An article about swedish humour! They mention Bellman jokes so here's my own Bellman joke, I made it up just now:
A Canadian, some random guy and Bellman (the swede), were sitting in a hotel room. The Canadian asked the random guy who the funnier guy is, him or the swede. He said: Well it's not fucking you, you mayonaise gurgling mounty!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wasn't that a great joke.

Brought to you by a swede.

As a LONG TIME veteran of the PoS war, I reserve the right to count the lemmings, place them in rows, and watch them march themselves off of the cliff face. :Smokedev:

Dubs, I've seen you admit to not minding One Hour by the Concrete Lake.

And frankly, I'm more concerned with the music PoS puts out than what comes out of Daniel's mouth. Lyrics aside, Scarsick is almost completely unlistenable. Except Disco Queen, which I listen to when I'm drunk, and laugh. I really wonder how the lineup changes are going to affect this band.
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