Possible ENGL amp trade, what do you think?


Apr 21, 2014
Montreal, Canada

I have an Invader 100 head, and I might have the opportunity to trade with a Savage 120. However, I do not think it is the E660, which from what I understand, is the 6L6 Savage model. I think it is the E610, which is the KT88 model.

That sort of bugs me... not sure I want to trade for a KT88 Head. However, I have never heard the A/B comparison between the E660 and the E610. And it can just be out of pure ignorance also. The Amps I like usually have 6L6s, or sometimes EL34. Have you guys had the chance to A/B the 2 different Savage models? Is the tone very different?

Considering this is probably a KT88 Head, would you still do the trade?

Obviously I'm gonna try it first on my cab and all, but was curious to get your experience feedback.

Thanks for your comments.
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