Possible new band members?

My father is actually pure Norwegian dating back a long time, plus some Scottish blood from the mother:P... But I still like Canada even though I may be a first generation.. It's a very good country overall so long as you keep away from the US borders. (Not attacking all so don't get offended)
meh i was born in canada and lived there for 12 years. i thought it was kinda crappy. i mean the healthcare system is supposed to be good cause its "free". well at my hospital, you go in to the ER with a broken leg screaming with pain, theyll make you wait at least 4 hours before you can see anyone. the education was for the shits, and the cops didnt give a fuck about crime. then again, this was in Prince Edward Island, a small little shit province. i mean i loved montreal when i visited and the niagra falls was fucking spectacular. but really...the US isn't that bad. i mean i prefer where i live now as opposed to where i used to live by a long shot. the thing that sucks is, everyone thinks our country is bad cause our governments all fucked up. i mean almost no one in the US agrees with just about anything our government does anymore. and it sucks for us US citizens cause we automatically look like ignorant killing hungry animals to other countries when we're not at all.

i remember i was in PEI visiting my old home town, and people were seriously pissed off because i was "american scum". people would discriminate against me like i was some peice of american shit. this one bar, they refused to serve me cause i had a connecticut lisence.
when 9/11 happened my dad was in a restaurant on the island and people were cheering and saying "its about time those motherfuckers got it" my dad ended up puking in his plate and walking out.

im not trying to put down canada at all. its a great place to live if you can find the right location. but basically, don't say the U.S. sucks because of our governments stupid "hidden agenda" decisions. The U.S. is a great country with a lot of good people. i think i can speak for most of us US citizens when i say that we're all on your side with this bullshit thats been going on.
I will have to disagree with the intelligence statement personally.

I think the biggest problem is this has been discussed sooo much in a different post (http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/bloodbath/293763-new-mini-cd-new-line-up.html). Most of us already said who we think could be there, or reasons why not. It's 25 pages for fuck sakes haha. Once we all get off topic, and the next person gets the urge to reply to something someone said while off topic it's all downhill.