Possible new band members?

Silence Calls The Storm

Everybody get that song by Quo Vadis and listen to that first Gore-Scream. I've never heard a better or longer one with as much energy. It's amazing!!
aboot lol, that's a myth. Or maybe It's just my mixed blood but I've never said it that way or heard it.

Someone probably ran into a drunk one day and figured we all sound like that.
I couldn't be fucked reading the entire thread so forgive me if this band has already come up, but I think Ribspreader's vocalist would be very suitable for Bloodbath. And for anyone who hasn't listened to Ribspreader... if you're a fan of Bloodbath you owe it to yourself to check them out! Bolted to the Cross is pure 100% awesome death metal.
Quo Vadis kicks ass! They were my secret band I never wanted anyone to know about. I'm glad they are getting bigger now(somewhat anyhow)....I think U.S. tour in 2008!