post a pic of you with a carton of the milk you drink making a metal pose thread!!!!

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
post a pic of you with a carton of the milk you drink making a metal pose thread!!!!


fuck yeaaaa :headbang:
haha nice one dylan, yea i guess thats a compliment but nope - im not high. just nuts! so come on! get those creamy pics up people!!!

ps: as you can see im havin a pretty bad hair day. sorry guys!

hey sigmund - what the hell is dat supposta mean! has my personality come out in all my other posts what you've made a general pic of me in ur head n i match that? SWEET!!!!!!
I would do it if I didn't have to walk next door to get a camera and also wasn't in the middle of an assignment. :lol:
hahaha..well i'd love to see someone else do it! who knows! it might catch on!!! think about how cool it would be lads!!! come on! (bahahahaha)