Post a picture of your pets!


My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Jul 16, 2012
New York Shitty
One of my favorite things to do is to look at animal pictures. :headbang: I'll start with mine. Technically speaking my dog belongs to my sister, but this is Billy in all his glory. He's mostly Rottweiler but he has bits of Doberman and Labrador. He's stubborn as fuck and doesn't listen to a word anyone says, but at least he's adorable.
God damn Zeph...Those cats are fucking huge...

Eddie (Red tail boa): (Was just gifted to me today from a buddy who could no longer care for him)

Bubba (Apbt):

EDIT: Anyone know how to resize a photo? I dont want to overload you all with my dog lol
One of my favorite things to do is to look at animal pictures. :headbang: I'll start with mine. Technically speaking my dog belongs to my sister, but this is Billy in all his glory. He's mostly Rottweiler but he has bits of Doberman and Labrador. He's stubborn as fuck and doesn't listen to a word anyone says, but at least he's adorable.

Is that an old doodie under his ass?

Cute dog btw.
Man, I want a cuddly snake to play with.

Yeah they are fucking badass. This one has the best demeanor too, couldnt have asked for a better snake.

The best part is the cheap upkeep...In winter its about $7 a month to keep him alive and healthy lol

That is one adorable American bull terrier

Is Tesla a APBT too? Shes a cutie. Love her color man, Im a sucker for the white.
These were my animal companions until earlier this year when I split with my partner:

Sooty the cat with the most attitude of any cat ever.

This is Holly who was put down a few months ago. She was 18 years old, blind and mostly bald. She was still with it until the end though, gave the other animals what for when necessary.

Rosie the toy poodle who loved me lots. I miss her.

And Minky the moggie.