Or IS it?
Yea I forgot to mention that. If you have a 4 year degree it obviously gives you an edge, especially if it is in some type of environmental or recreation field. Although it should be noted that (in Maryland or Virginia at least) you cannot simply apply for a ranger position, it is only something you can earn while working in the park service. ALSO, there is a big difference between the rangers of the past and the rangers of today. Law Enforcement Rangers are all but a thing of the past now and will be essentially gone in 15 years or so. All law enforcement falls to the Natural Resource Police now.
still go to school yeh iv a job too i work at a bicycle shop
here are some pics of my school:
Makers Mark for teh lose, but you win so many bonus points for the Jameson and Laphroaig!!
Maker's Mark goes well with Coke, and the selection of Whiskies is based on who has contributed to the supply recently. I usually buy Jameson 18, and the cheap Absinthe is my fault also. That's actually a Ledaig label scotch, but we've had Laphroaig in the past. The other scotch is a Springbank overproof, but I think it is empty.