Post funny shit

:lol: i've never heard anyone say that about metal
It's an expression from my language that I translated for your convenience :)

I can definitely agree with a girl should be able to at least tolerate metal but I figure that goes without saying if you're remotely involved with someone.
Actually, no. I have plenty of metalhead friends that are with someone who doesn't like metal at all. Usually they get partner-whipped into dressing like everyone else out there and only listening to their music in secret, but that says more about their individual personalities than about metalheads in general. Anyway, it's a rather common occurrence, but then again, we Europeans aren't as insular in our subcultures as I understand Americans are.

maybe i'm just biased because I never had anyone not be fine with it (even my parents are fine with whatever because they raised my brother so they already went through the ugh what is this phase).
Well, you're definitely lucky in that respect. :)

I think it's fair to say metal fans are douchebags.

I know I am.
It's an expression from my language that I translated for your convenience :)

Actually, no. I have plenty of metalhead friends that are with someone who doesn't like metal at all. Usually they get partner-whipped into dressing like everyone else out there and only listening to their music in secret, but that says more about their individual personalities than about metalheads in general. Anyway, it's a rather common occurrence, but then again, we Europeans aren't as insular in our subcultures as I understand Americans are.

Well, you're definitely lucky in that respect. :)

I know I am.

I think you guys misunderstood, by tolerate i mean able to stand it; people don't have to like it but they don't have to throw a huge fit about it. most of my friends like stuff like techno, rap, classical and even though i'm not a fan of most of it (some is chill) i don't bitch about how awesome metal is and how they should listen to it instead. i basically dress however; the only thing that gives it away is the hair down to the bottom of my back, one guy even at work came in and assumed i liked metal just because of my hair. i guess i missed the memo that long hair was exclusively a metal thing :confused:
If you're passionate about music then your partner should be equally as passionate. That doesn't mean you have to like the same things but usually music lovers gravitate towards each other.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that if you're a serious musician or at least musically cultured and you're dating a girl who just listens to whatever's on the radio and thinks that Justin Bieber is a great artist, your relationship will eventually fail. For a while you'll be able to stand it, but before long you'll realize that such short-sightedness usually leads to other factors in their lives. Pretty soon simply the sound of their voice will make you want to punch babies.
If you're passionate about music then your partner should be equally as passionate. That doesn't mean you have to like the same things but usually music lovers gravitate towards each other.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that if you're a serious musician or at least musically cultured and you're dating a girl who just listens to whatever's on the radio and thinks that Justin Bieber is a great artist, your relationship will eventually fail. For a while you'll be able to stand it, but before long you'll realize that such short-sightedness usually leads to other factors in their lives. Pretty soon simply the sound of their voice will make you want to punch babies.
I think the 'argument' is too small. If you're passionate about music and something else, and your partner likes Justin Bieber but is also passionate about the something else, well, then that's why they invented headphones. Ideally, any couple would have stuff in common and stuff that's unique to the individuals, but not as a couple. That said, if both are the sort who have music going constantly and they just have no common ground, it will likely cause a problem -- headphones or no. It just really needs to be looked at as a part of the larger picture.
My theory isn't rooted in music, but rather in personalities. Music would simply be the catalyst for friction.

The same goes for video games; if two people enjoy playing video games then it doesn't matter what kind of games you play. You have similar tastes and will be much more willing to try something outside your own preferences because although your tastes in games may be different, the enjoyment you get from this type of entertainment is the same. Your girlfriend won't bitch at you for playing Civilization 5 all night because she'll probably be raiding in her MMO.

Music in my opinion is the same; different styles of music won't matter as long as the same passion is there. It's when someone doesn't share or understand or is willing to partake in your own passion that things start to get ugly.
Bear in mind the Carlin quote in the description though:

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"I wonder if they got purple drank on the moon" :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Crab walk is the only acceptable form of transportation" :lol:

I've got tears from laughing so hard at this.

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